August 18, 1941 – Green Bay Press-Gazette
While recent dry weather cut down considerably the number of entries, it did not distract from the beauty that was shown in the various classifications at the annual Peninsula Arts association flower and garden show held at the village hall here Saturday and Sunday.

The show opened Saturday at noon after the judges had completed their task of awarding first, second, and honorable mention ribbons to a large number of entries. Particular mention should be made of the Herb Garden entered by Mrs. Arthur Byfield, Ephraim, for its completeness and novel arrangement; for the riot of color in the first prize flower group specimens entered by Mrs. Ed Dehos, Baileys Harbor; the table piece entered by Mrs. Donald H. Boynton, Baileys Harbor, and the novel and charming child exhibit by Peggy Wilson. This last named was fruits and vegetables formed into weird animals.
The list of awards given includes:
Flower arrangements, Mrs. Dana Corbin, Fish Creek, first; Mrs. Henry, Chomeau, Ephraim, second; Mrs. Henry Almer, Baileys Harbor, third.
Basket of vegetables, Mrs. W.J. Wilson, Ephraim, first.
Wildflower and weed arrangement, Mrs. Adlai Hardin, Ephraim, and Mrs. Ruth Leatherman, Sister Bay firsts; Mrs. Henry Almer, Baileys Harbor, and Mrs. B. Tatman, Ephraim, seconds; Mrs. Martin D. Hardin, Ephraim, honorable mention.
Potted plants, Mrs. Henry Almer, Baileys Harbor, Mrs. John Friedlund, Sister Bay, and Mrs. Claus Carlson, Sister Bay, firsts; Mrs. Oscar Smith, Baileys Harbor, and Mrs. Claus Carlson, Sister Bay, seconds; Mrs. Roy Hanson, Ephraim, honorable mention.
Water plants, Edgewater Lodge, Ephraim, first; Mrs. Henry Almer, Baileys Harbor, second.
Exhibited by children, Peggy Wilson, Ephraim, first.
Shadow Box, Mrs. John Matter, Ephraim first.
Herb Garden, Mrs. Arthur Byfield, Ephraim, first.
Tables: Mrs. Donald H. Boynton, Baileys Harbor, Frank Brandt, Ephraim, Mrs. John Matter, Ephraim, Mrs. Malcolm Vail, Ephraim, Mrs. Marshall Rogers, Ephraim, and Miss Katherine Scherstrom, Sister Bay, all firsts, and Mrs. V.N. Green Egg Harbor, second.
Still life, Mrs. Henry Chomeau, Eprhaim, first; Mrs. George Apfelbach, Fish Creek, second.
Single flower specimens, Mrs. Claus Carlson, Sister Bay, Mrs. L. Dyer, Fish Creek, firsts; Mrs. E.G. Mudd, Ephraim, second.
Group flower specimens, Mrs. Ed Dehos, Baileys Harbor (2), Mrs. J.A Friedlund, Sister Bay, Mrs. Herman Hachmeister, Ephraim (2), and Mrs. M. Mattson, Sister Bay, all firsts; Mrs. J.A Friedlund, Sister Bay, Mrs. M. Mattson, Sister Bay, and Mrs. Ed Dehos, Baileys Harbor, second, and Miss L. Dyer, Fish Creek, honorable mention.
Garden flower corsages, Mrs. Roy Hanson, Ephraim, first.
Miniature bouquets, Mrs. George Martin, Ephraim, first; Mrs. John Matter, Ephraim, second, and Mrs. Otto Peil, Baileys Harbor, third.